Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I love Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. The traditions, the memories, the decorations, the songs, the movies, the lights, the excitement...I love it all. And I love sharing it with my family and friends.

As soon as fall hits, I'm ready for the holidays. People complain about the decorations going up too early and the radio stations switching to Christmas music too soon, but I love every minute of it. It doesn't last nearly long enough for me. I try to savor every carol, every commercial and every Starbucks Gingersnap Latte. 

 As soon as I see this commercial, I know Christmas is officially here:

When I got back from my parents' house this afternoon, I immediately put up my little Christmas tree. I initially set it up on the ground, but it was too low, so I put it on a pedestal (aka a TV table) and covered the base with my lime green scarf. It came with lights already on it, but I as I assembled the tree, I noticed large chunks with no lights at all. Alas. Thank goodness for my bright Target Christmas ornaments. They filled in the little dark spots...
It needs a little work, but it makes my apartment feel much cozier already. 

Hooray for the holidays!


Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Ah, how cute!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that commercial! There are a lot of great Christmas commercials out there as well as all the wonderful radio holiday giggles. Everything about Christmas makes me grin from cheek to cheek. I'm so happy Thanksgiving is over so I can focus entirely on Christmas.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I need your email and or twitter username so I can send you the password to the protected post

Anonymous said...

That's one of my favorite Christmas commercials too! I hate to admit that I actually like the Wal Mart one where the lanes lights light up with song. Then all the employees walk out of their stands with big smiles on their faces. I hate that part (has a WM employee ever been THAT eager to help you)? but love all the lights lighting up on cue with the music!

Megkathleen said...

I'm with you - I LOVE the holidays! I love the music and lights and buying gifts for people. I hate when it's over.