Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What I learned in 2008

2008 wasn't my best year. It also wasn't my worst, which is good, but I feel like I've learned a lot (in no particular order)...

1. Living alone is one of the best things ever. Roommates can be stressful. VERY stressful. (Not including a good friend who swooped in to save the day and lived with me for the remainder of my lease after my first roommate up and moved one day. Thank you again.)

2. DVR might be the second best thing ever. I really don't know how I ever lived without it.

3. Tyra Banks is crazy. Though I still watch ANTM, she seems to be getting crazier by the second.

4. It's fun to be in a magazine. Though it's a tiny shout out in Marie Claire, my family got all excited for me and it was a lot of fun. My Grandpa even showed every nurse in his Quincy nursing home...kind of embarrassing, actually, but still very cool.

5. Certain jellyfish glow. I camped out on an island on the Cape in August and those little glowing things were everywhere. They fascinated me, even though I have an unnatural fear of jellyfish. Until that day, I had never actually seen one "in the wild" before.

6. Irish accents still get me all giddy. And that's all I'll say about that. Sigh.

7. It's good to live by your best friends, even if it's only for the summer. And it's really fun when they move here from a faraway city and you actually get to see them face-to-face and not just via Gchat. Hooray for all of us being together again!

8. Speaking of Gchat, that is right up there with one of the best things ever.

9. I adore Starbucks from September to December. When they get rid of the fall and holiday drinks, a little piece of my heart cries.

10. It's ok to grow up. Some aspects of it are even pretty fun.

11. Blogging is a good time and it's definitely not as scary as I thought it would be. I love to write, but I have an odd fear of writing. Doesn't make sense, does it?

12. I spend more than half my time at work proofreading. And I now realize that I really don't like it.

13. I have an unhealthy obsession with the Olympics. And getting to try on a real 2008 Beijing Olympic gold swimming medal while playing flip cup at a house party was one of the coolest things ever:
I was SO excited, can you tell? 
I really wanted to steal it...

14. Yes, the Cubs actually can break your heart a little more each year. It's so sad.

15. Apparently I love vampires sagas. And after reading them, I finally started to embrace my "porcelain" skin. Thank you Cullens for making it more attractive to be pale. Ha.

More to come, probably...

And on a side note, I just got back from seeing Seven Pounds. It's so good! I cried like a baby, but I really liked it. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up.


The Dutchess of Kickball said...

OK, what crazy athlete would bring their medal to a house party? I'm assuming it was only to pick up chicks? And damn, didn't that thing screw up your flip?

Anonymous said...

For that entire month I too was completely obsessed with the Olympics. I think the whole world was at least a little. This Olympics was amazing!

Megkathleen said...

How the heck did you get to try on a real medal?! That's crazy! And I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

i heard 7 pounds was good. i still want to see it. it's great you enjoy living alone. i've never done it (living with roommates now..)! but i feel most 'on my own' than i ever have, which is good.