Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good news! I saw a dog today.

Ok so maybe I'm not as excited as Buddy the Elf, but I'm thrilled about the pretty great week I'm having so far. And here's why:

• Had to meet with my boss first thing in the morning—he told me I was getting a raise. A very, very small one, but my first one ever as a working girl. I was so excited. What a great way to start the week!
• My coworker made amazing brownies. Brownies are always a reason to be happy.
• I went to my parents' house to decorate the Christmas tree and my Mom made one of my favorite meals—cider stew. And she made brownies, too. Double brownie day!
• My parents picked out the perfect (live) tree and my Mom, Dad, sister and I decked it out with as many ornaments as possible. It's a total masterpiece now, if I do say so myself:

I always love the ornaments we made as kids, like this little gem:

Yep, that's me when I was 4. Apparently I loved Minnie Mouse...and penguins.

• It was pretty.
• I had 1/2 a vacation day to use, so I slept in.
• We all got little Christmas bonuses at work, which was very unexpected, very appreciated and very exciting.
• The creative team got to leave an hour early to go out for our annual Christmas dinner "Meet for Meat". We went to Twin Anchors, an amazing restaurant in Old Town. 
• After dinner, we went out for drinks at a bar nearby. The only two other people at the bar got ahold of a microphone...and proceeded to put on a "comedy" routine. The one guy started ranting about life, trying to be funny. It was totally awkward, but we were forced to listen to it. Then the other guy grabbed the microphone and proceeded to serenade us with songs like "Blue Velvet". He gave little dedications before each song ("this is for the dreamers out there, hope you find your love") and then forget half the words to the songs, so he hummed along instead. It was awful to watch, but it was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Good times.

•Finished all my Christmas shopping!
• Only two days of work left and then I'm off for two whole weeks. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Wow two weeks? That's like a break from school Nice. How did you score that??

P said...

You've clearly had a far better week than me so far! PLUS I'm stuck in work til christmas eve and only get ten days or so off. :(