The season finale of The Bachelor is on tonight and I'm ridiculously excited. Probably a little too excited. I mean, I've read all the spoilers and rumors already (yeah, I'm a cheater) and if those are correct, I already know what's going to happen. But I can't help it, I am a total sucker. Will he choose Molly? Will he break Melissa's heart? Will Jillian be the next Bachelorette? O.M.G. Way too much excitement.
I'm really not sure why I like this show so much. It's totally staged, the success rate of the couples is about 1.2% (love Trista and Ryan), and ABC edits it all so much that there's hardly anything left. Yet I still get sucked in every time. EVERY SINGLE show has "the most dramatic rose ceremony yet" or "the most romantic one-on-one date in Bachelor history" or the "most drawn out pre-commercial build up to ever appear on any show, anywhere in the world". It's amazing.
I wonder if the writers sit there with a giant Thesaurus next to them trying to think of new ways to say "dramatic" and "romantic". Oh wait, no they don't. That's how they describe every moment on the show. There really should be a drinking game for The Bachelor. Wow...that's actually a great idea. I bet I'd be passed out in my Snuggie before they even finished the "Here's what happened during the most dramatic season of The Bachelor ever" segment.
You just have to love Chris Harrison. He has the easiest and best job ever. Yes, he's the host of the show, but what does he really do besides those awesome, overly-dramatic, the-world-is-about-to-end voiceover previews? He stops in once in awhile just to say "hi" to The Bachelor and to of course kindly (and ever so dramatically) remind the girls that "this is the final rose". No kidding. Like those girls aren't staring at and obsessing over it as if their love lives depend on it.
Interestingly enough, my "prophesy" in my yearbook senior year in high school was that I am "most likely to be the next Bachelorette". While that didn't happen (they don't let 18-year-olds sign up. Lame.), I do wonder if I'd ever do it if I was older, single and dying to be on a reality TV show. I just think it would be kind of fascinating. Some of those dates are pretty cool. I'd love to jet off to New Zealand or fly over Las Vegas in a helicopter. Though I'm not sure I'd want all my family seeing me make out with handsome men in a hot tub on a nightly
Anyway, to anyone watching the show tonight, enjoy! And if you'd like to discuss it, I'm all for it. I'll just be sitting here with my glass of red wine, willing the endless number of commercials to end faster so I can get some more crazy drama on my plate.
P.S. Is anyone else really excited to see Late Night with Jimmy Fallon tonight? I love him...and his first guest, Justin Timberlake of course.
P.P.S. I don't get the Jonas Brothers. At all. They are no *NSYNC, I'll tell you that much.
P.P.S.S. What is Rihanna thinking?!
I am with you on the Bachelor. It sucks you in totally and completely.
I am really not into reality tv at all. I mean, nada, zilch, zero. They annoy the heeeeeell out of me. Omg, don't even get me started on those reality commercials for like Pizza Hut and Carls, Jr. Dude. As far as Rihanna, I haven't fully made up my mind. She knows all the scrutiny she will get if she gets back with him. He beat her up, and she still loves him. There's so much pressure on her. It's so high profile. In their pictures before the incident she looks so happy. Plus, I read she's being followed by one of Jay-Z's bodyguards. And we only hear the media side of things. I'm just not sure how to feel about it.
haha, if i was able to watch it i'd probably be sucked into the bachelorness too!
and a drinking game sounds like a great time!
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